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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Perform backups

Yesterday when I tried to sign in I understood that my host was down for several hours. All my sites were down, since this is the first time that this happened to me was worried a little. I heard people lose an entire week of posts their reasons.

Hosts automatically back up your sites.If your host has the option that can perform backups to ask, I suggest doing it every few days to prevent any loss of great. I know cpanel ??????? allows me to do so.

You don't learn your lesson. make backups of all your posts to prevent loss of content.

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WordPress update Cpanel

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Edit spam or abusive comments

I'm just a sense of what comments page effect. Only I am assuming, besides showing the popularity of your pages to others, it also has an effect on your keyword density for the top of any kind. Which, in turn, partially affects your keyword ranking for this page.

I am sure you have selected all of the posts was where people get angry with you for one thing or another.Although you might not want to keep these messages, you really have to distinguish between comments disagree without flame. There are a few things to consider when editing comments.

WordPress blogs hosted at the WordPress (non-I tried it in a blog, self hosted) make it so that you can edit comments. not only you can edit the name of the URL, email, but you can also edit the comment itself. Now you can take the second link people try to include their comments, or to edit out members personal notes you do not want others to see.

When you edit a comment you have to look for three things. First name. If you have seen the name around your blog before, you might want to just delete the comment. If you make repeated commenters, you may comment eventually response not so friendly and lose your reader. After you've looked at the name, go to the URL.This change is one of the other blogs. free backlink to you. Third, if the email address appears fraudulent, chances are that the person does not want to be recognized. You can edit these comments because chances are they won't be back.

I have a pretty good post on WordPress blogs hosted my best.It has ranked the first page for a very nice keyword.It is the banner of the very product regaurding. product can still be announced, and so on April 1st April Fools I put on about the message of the post.Even when they reach the end and it was April fools joke they aren't too happy.I get tons of comments to leave only for some laughs, but some are simply match so you can edit them to include some keywords for posting an.

Remember, there are comments that wrong edit, and should think twice about comments. edit only if you are sure that it will not be on a response from you if you have any doubt about it, just delete it to save you from all the trouble in the future.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to basics: choosing your niche

A few months before it was to read all about niche blog of creating money and decided that it would be something fun to enter, and probably the easiest to monetize niche. Three months, I realized that it probably not niche I need you selected. In fact, a free blog that I set up the WordPress blog post about the games is only after the monetized yet. I gave my approaching a $2,000 than 6 months of blogging, I'm still enjoys its place.

While the big mistake I made was not gets its own domain soon enough, I still enjoy it. This blog was to transfer the domain itself, I was able to monetize it. I get this blog day 1,200 views! Almost all of it coming from Google too.If they had Google AdSense in the field of transport movement I might have become another couple of hundred. If I sold private ads, another couple thousand.

What I'm getting all your niche selection is very important.If it was me trying to prove Noob who can succeed in this niche, I have tossed him long ago.Choose a niche you can enjoy writing. There are so many ways to monetize niche, is only a matter of examining how. make yourself and start getting going with the niche you can enjoy writing.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

The reason for inactivity

So in the last week or so was even put. There are two reasons, and they are both valid reasons. I want to leave the unposted blog about as usually I notice you dip your subscriptions. Strange, the count has gone a long time that he spent no post.

The first reason was I was having problems with hosting.I confirm how many deleted files for one of my sites and when you can restore them he wasn't really my host I was to restore everything back through the last few days before so it has taken all the new posts since I posted.

The second reason is that wanted to venture sign in here. Email and my account was hacked. I lost $ 250, but I get back to the accounts.I was quite sure that I didn't get keylogged onto something important, that is my blog you find was lucky, but who knows.Hopefully my accounts are still my this time next week.

I'll be sure to start posting strong again. perhaps to make a little twist on things start to talk about how you can make money on the Internet, such as blogs, not just doing it now, and I have several projects baabodot. thanks to make projections with me through those days of inactivity.

Unrelated messages.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Contest Winners Announced

I ran my first contest shortly before and my most city fortification yet. Granted, there were only 6 entrants. Since there were only six simple values, I decided to withdraw names outside of a hat. Also, I went with three prizes simply because there was little interest.

Jeff won the first place prize will receive a post he sponsored free ad 125 × 125 and backlink of my blog roll.

Won the second to earn him a Bloggernoob advertisement free 125 × 125 vblog rolling the link.

Neil has won the third to earn him a backlink free and I at 125 × 125 different even him with my Entrecard ad.

These bloggers simply must comment to get their prizes.

There are many advantages of comments on blogs as for example, mentioning my blog, which has been granted free immediately all commentors of post back.

Rory of money online

Craig reviews gamer

And Blake of Illiterate poet all of the benefits of adding comments.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

What is my blog really worth?

I wonder how to stack on top of my blog with other blogs as soon as you receive this blog out there that have been approved for the site payperpost. In my opinion ????? quite a few suggestions for a post if I go with a low cost. This is where I am unsure what to do. I don't know how much I should require, if I can set a minimum price at all. We have seen. Reporting on this Web site after you see how much I love it.

While I like to spam my readers with paid members, is the only way for an existing blog now. I tried to publish every day before but when I do even dollars after over a month ago and lost interest in considering one of my other blogs, I took the initial content and booming.

Unrelated messages.